I never really had the chance to work in a research lab as an undergraduate, so I try to give students that are enthusiastic about microbiology, evolution, or genetics every possible opportunity to work within my own lab. We have typically averaged >5 undergraduates in the lab at any given time. Students traditionally start out as either volunteers or take research credits (talk to your undergraduate advisor about what class to enroll in for this). Although everyone has to do common lab chores, every undergraduate in my lab works on their own research project. I'm not just going to bring you in to clean dishes. My expectations are simple: treat everyone else in the lab and the lab itself with respect. Also know that I write truthful letters of recommendation, although I will decline writing a letter if it will be truly bad. The best thing to do is email me with your interests and describe what you would like to get out of an undergraduate laboratory experience. I don't care about your grades, I care about your curiosity and enthusiasm for research and learning.
There are numerous opportunities for funding of undergraduate research. The following opportunities are worth looking into, but again are not a comprehensive list:
University of Arizona UBRP
ASM Undergraduate Fellowships
There are numerous opportunities for funding of undergraduate research. The following opportunities are worth looking into, but again are not a comprehensive list:
University of Arizona UBRP
ASM Undergraduate Fellowships